Crypto Prices FAQs
How do you calculate crypto market cap?
The market cap or market cap of a cryptocurrency is calculated by multiplying the circulating supply by the current price at a given point in time.
What are the top 20 cryptocurrencies?
In general, the best cryptocurrencies are ranked by market cap. On this page you can view the first 20 cryptocurrencies by market cap and sort the list in ascending or descending order.
Alternatively, you can also view the best cryptocurrencies by price using the "LAST 24H" column. Sorting in ascending and descending order is also available for this column.
What determines cryptocurrency price changes?
Cryptocurrency prices reflect current trends in supply and demand for this digital asset. If the buying pressure in the market exceeds the selling pressure, the price goes up. Similarly, when the number of sellers exceeds the number of buyers, the price falls.
In contrast to fiat currencies, many cryptocurrencies such as BTC often have a fixed public offering or issue price. Since prices depend on supply and demand, a fixed or limited supply can also affect the price of an asset by making it scarcer.